The problem is pretty straight forward although I'm having a hard time figuring out just how to solve it.I'm using a jQuery-ui datepicker along with a custom made "ios style on/off toggle". This toggle uses some absolutely positioned elements which are currently showing up on top of my date picker.see the ugly circle covering july 6th below...
the dirty way to do this (at least imo) is to write a style in one of my stylesheets, but I'd much rather use some javascript when the picker launches to get this done.I've already tried \[code\]$('.date_field').datepicker(); $('.date_field').datepicker("widget").css({"z-index":100});\[/code\]and \[code\]$('.date_field').datepicker({ beforeShow: function(input, inst) { inst.dpDiv.css({"z-index":100}); }});\[/code\]but it seems the z-index get overwritten each time the datepicker is launched.any help is appreciated!