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What I'm trying to here is on hover, the div id magnify has a small animation - the animation is working - however it's not working more than one div at a time. Looking for a little guidance if I did this incorrect by chance.jQuery\[code\]<script type="text/javascript">$(document).ready(function(){$("#project-holder").hover(function(){ $(".client"+$(this).attr("client")).stop().animate({'margin-left': '130px', 'margin-top': '80px'}, 500); }, function(){ $(".client"+$(this).attr("client")).stop().animate({'margin-left': '-200px'}, 500); });});</script>\[/code\]an example of the div is:\[code\]<div id="project-holder" client="1"> <div id="magnify" class="client1"> <img src=""> </div></div>\[/code\]