jquery themes and changes


New Member
i have successfully used the default jquery css and themes to theme my html 5 application however when trying to use another css page my theming is lost and the new theme isn't workingi am trying to use this css file http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1/themes/black-tie/jquery-ui.cssUp until now i have used jquery.mobile.css and with data-theme=a etc etc here is an example\[code\]<a href="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15720043/#North" data-role="button" data-theme="b">Close</a>\[/code\]how can i do this with the new css i want to use, i can't find an a or a b etc or any theme referenceif i just try to use the css file without setting a data theme i also lose my themeingthanks