I tried many of the ideas I found here to uncheck a checkbox when a different checkbox is checked, but none are working ...Right I now I have :\[code\] $("#chkBox1").click(function () { if ($(this).is(":checked")) { $('#chkBox2').prop('checked', false); }\[/code\]..but no results, chkBox2 remains checkedhere is a checkbox in HTML:\[code\] input type="checkbox" name="art" id="chkBox1" data-mini="true" data-theme="c" /\[/code\]one possible difference in my code is that the checkboxes are only added to the page when a button is clicked, using href...the checkboxes are in the HTML (not created in Javascript)..but are not visible until a button is clicked..may this be part of the problem? Or am I missing something else? Also, I am using JQuery Mobile.