jquery php form validation with string comparison


New Member
So this works fine on FF, safari: html file:\[code\]$('#maj_password_email').submit(function(){var _data= http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3725896/$(this).serialize() $.ajax({ type:'POST', url: 'valid.php?var=maj_password_email', data:_data, dataType:"html", cache: false, success: function(html){ $('div#error').html(html)text=$('div#error').html()switch(text){ case "<b>entrer un email svp</b>":$("#maj_password_email").slideUp() break } } })})\[/code\]the php file\[code\] foreach ($_POST as $key => $value){ $$key = mysql_real_escape_string(utf8_decode($value));} if($_GET["var"]=="maj_password_email"){ if( trim($email)=="" ){ echo "<b>entrer un email svp</b>"; } else{ } }\[/code\]so this same example doesnt work on ie , the form doesnt slide up when the string "entrer un email svp" enters the error div, this would work on ie if i get rid of the bold tag inside the string, so putting 'the break tag, the bold tag etc inside the string doesnt work on ie, im trying to find out why as i would like to style certain aspect of my error message this way.