I'm having problem getting the textbox in focus in the compiled mobile application. The textbox is always hidden behind the keyboard. I'm trying to make it such that if a user select/click on the textbox, it bring up the keyboard and the application automatically align the textbox above the keyboard/ focus on the textbox so that the user can look at what they type in.I've tried focus() in jQuery, it doesn't seems to work. Anyway it would be an Android app.In index.html\[code\]<div id="header"></div><div id="content"></div><div id="footer"><input type="text" id="textbox"/> </div>\[/code\]In Style.css\[code\]#header { top:0%; position:fixed;}#content { overflow:auto;}#footer { top:90%; position:fixed;}\[/code\]Thanks in advance for helping.