This is basicly the situation: have an iframe, that loads different when clicking on different buttons. But all of these buttons are toggling that same iframe, but only the top one is working.I would also like the animation to make the iframe untoggle and then retoggle when its already open, but a new link is clicked.HTML:\[code\]<div id="wrapper"> <div id="left">LINKSSSSS</div> <div id="menu"> <span class="button" id="leftbutton">open left</span> <span class="button" id="rightbutton">open right1</span> <span class="button" id="rightbutton">open right2</span> <span class="button" id="rightbutton">open right3</span> </div> <div id="right">RECHTSSSS</div></div>\[/code\]CSS:\[code\] #menu { background:#eee; width:300px; height:400px; float:left;}#left { float:left; display:none;}#right { float:left; display:none;}\[/code\]JS:\[code\]$(document).ready(function () { $('#leftbutton').click(function () { $('#right').hide(); $('#left').toggle(); });});$(document).ready(function () { $('#rightbutton').click(function () { $('#left').hide(); $('#right').toggle(); });});\[/code\]!EDIT!So the problem with the id instead of class selectors has been solved. I also managed to achieve the retoggle animation. I just need to get the toggle function back when I click on the same link twice.As it is now: