I am using brandonaaron jquery-mousewheel plugin in https://github.com/brandonaaron/jquery-mousewheelwith a zoom function on Pan Zoom.The problem is i cant fix a maximum value to infinely scroll down and scroll up.How can i fix this problem.I have tried it simple function but i cant able to make mouse wheel here\[code\]var zoomLevel = 100;var maxZoomLevel = 105;var minZoomLevel = 95;function zoom(zm) { var img=document.getElementById("pic"); if(zm > 1){ if(zoomLevel < maxZoomLevel){ zoomLevel++; }else{ return; } }else if(zm < 1){ if(zoomLevel > minZoomLevel){ zoomLevel--; }else{ return; } } wid = img.width; ht = img.height; img.style.width = (wid*zm)+"px"; img.style.height = (ht*zm)+"px"; img.style.marginLeft = -(img.width/2) + "px"; img.style.marginTop = -(img.height/2) + "px";}?\[/code\]How to give maximum value in mousewheel function