jQuery Modal dialog Issue


New Member
I have a button which opens another page in a jQuery model dialog. I used a frame here\[code\]function OpenUserDetail(userId) {var url = 'popup.html';var userFrame = $('<iframe class="dialogIFrame" frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src="' + url + '"></iframe>');var userDialog = userFrame.dialog( { autoOpen: false, height: 350, width: 700, modal: true, title: 'New User', open: function () { userFrame.width(690); }, close: function () { } });userDialog.dialog('open');}\[/code\]But it shows scroll bar. Even if i reduce height it shows. What is the issue?
Check this live link http://sharanvijay.com/demo/issue/Update: Added scrolling='no' for frame and decreased height. Now it works in Chrome but not in firefox.