JQuery Mobile and SQL Server for Hybrid Application


New Member
I'm interested to know if anyone has done any work in JQuery Mobile with classic ASP. It seems that PHP is a widely used server-side language with JQM but I can't seem to find anything with good ol' CLASP (I know it's old tech, but it's similarities to PHP are quite interesting). I have a long history with classic asp and would like to use that as opposed to learning PHP (if I avoid it).Here are the details ...I have an existing SQL database (on my server) with customer information that I want to simply list in JQM. It would be a three page app:Page1 - Logon (user authentication)Page2 - customer listing based on the customers associated (in the database) with the user's credentialsPage3 - customer details - details of the selected customer from Page2When the user submits the logon form, the app goes to the server and gets credentials. Those credentials are then used on Page2 to list the customers that have the user's ID as the account manager. The user then clicks a customer, and the customerID is passed to the customer details page which is used to pull specific customer data from the database.The main difficulties I am having are -. the connection the SQL server database. How does javascript connect to the server-side and retrieve data? AJAX, JSON, web service?. how do I pass data from page to page? Credentials from the logon form, customer ID to the customer details page.My preference would be to use ASP, with AJAX/JSON calls to populate the server-side data but I don't know where to start. Any assistance would be much appreciated. I would be happy to give some advertising space on my blog to anyone who can give a well-detailed explanation.ThanksStevenw: http://www.stevenwoolston.com