Jquery Mobile and .load function

I am trying to transfer my website into jquery mobile and am running into an error when using:\[code\]$('#information').load('getRegister.php' , function() { $('#preloader').hide(); });\[/code\]This function gets called to load html code dynamicaly into the page without a refresh, but the code that appears does not match the css of code already in the website. You can see this in the screenshot below
:I am pretty stumped on why, the buttons and text fields do not take on the styling of the form already loaded into the page. The code the .load calls is this php file:\[code\]<?php require ('myConnectDB.inc.php'); // echo registration formecho "<p class=\"center\"> &nbsp;</p><form name=\"input2\" action=\"\" onsubmit = \" return register()\" method=\"post\" data-ajax=\"false\"> <p class=\"center\"> User Name: <input type=\"text\" name=\"user\" id=\"userRegister\" /></p> <p class=\"center\"> &nbsp;</p> <p class=\"center\"> Email: <input type=\"text\" name=\"user\" id=\"emailRegister\" /></p> <p class=\"center\"> &nbsp;</p> <p class=\"center\"> Password: <input type=\"password\" name=\"password\" id=\"passwordRegister1\" /></p> <p class=\"center\"> &nbsp;</p> <p class=\"center\"> Re-Type Password: <input type=\"password\" name=\"password\" id=\"passwordRegister2\" /></p> <p class=\"center\"> &nbsp;</p> <p class=\"center\"> <input type=\"submit\" class=\" button blue\" name = \"login\" value=http://stackoverflow.com/"Register\" /> </p> </form>"; ?>\[/code\]