jQuery fontSize increase on Chrome


New Member
This bit of code:\[code\]$(div).stop().animate({ fontSize: "+=20%",}, { duration: duration2, easing: "easeOutBack"});\[/code\]should increase font size by 20%, and it does on all browsers except Chrome, where it decreases font size for some reason.Specifically the page I'm working with is: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/67774614/letters/letters.html . Type letters to drop them, then the letters should increase in font size as well as jumping and going red on mouseover. On Chrome they should (incorrectly) decrease in font size.The problem is on line 82-90 in this script: http://tny.cz/49bc46f7Here's a fiddle as suggested: http://jsfiddle.net/cZEzy/1/