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I am trying to modify the background of an input based on the focus and blur events. That part works fine, but I also want to set the background if the client has entered a value into the search box. It does work if you enter text and then immediately click the submit button (although you can see the background change very briefly). But if a value is currently in the search box AND the client triggers the blur function, it also changes the background of the input. How can I ensure that the blur function is not triggered if there is a value in the search box?This is my code so to date: \[code\] // change input field on blur and focusvar $searchFocus = 'url("img/layout/spyglass.png") no-repeat 2px 0 #FFFFFF';var $searchBlur = 'url("img/layout/spyglass-text.png") no-repeat 2px 0 #FFFFFF';$('#query').css('background', $searchBlur);if($('#query').val() !='') { $('#query').css('background', $searchFocus);}$('#query').focus(function(){ $('#query').css('background', $searchFocus);}); $('#query').blur(function() { $('#query').css('background', $searchBlur);});\[/code\]I've made a jsfiddleMaybe I want something different to the blur function? TIA