Jquery Datatable Fixed cloumn Pagination not working in Vertical direction


New Member
I have created one html table and converted it to jquery Datatbles.There i have a case where i want to make one column fixed.At the same i need pagination both in horizontal(it contain 15 columns) and vertical direction.How can i acheive this??.Currently when showing "25" rows,the alignment all changes.Fixed column is not moving in vertical direction.Ideally it should show next set of rows in fixed column(ie 11/10/012 to...31/10/2012).That is not happening.Attaching screenshot for this
.In this Date column is fixed columnI am initializing table like this\[code\] try{ oTable = $('#PuTable').dataTable( { "bJQueryUI": true, "sScrollX": "100%", "sScrollXInner": "150%", "bScrollCollapse": true } ); new FixedColumns( oTable, { "iLeftColumns": 0, "iLeftWidth": 350 } );}catch (e){alert(e.message);}\[/code\]