jquery css() in if else condition


New Member
What I'm trying to do is IF I click on a \[code\]span\[/code\] then some elements in a \[code\]DIV\[/code\] get faded out and ELSE you click again on that span those elements would get faded in. There I'm also using \[code\]css()\[/code\] to change some styles of the elements remained in that \[code\]DIV\[/code\] . Look HERE to check out the codes.And now two questions/issues :[*]Is there some shortcut or technique by which the number of using \[code\]css()\[/code\] could be lesser?[*]When I try to use \[code\]css()\[/code\] in my \[code\]else\[/code\] condition to take the style values to their original, none of them in my \[code\]else\[/code\] condition work and therefore the new style values in \[code\]if\[/code\] condition remain the same.Any correction or suggestion ?