Jquery AJAX with JSON form value update


New Member
I thought I was heading in the right direction here. But somewhere, information overload set in.Simple task: I want to have a user select something from a drop down, and have jquery populate the form cells from that selection. The selection is sending an ID request to my ASP script, which is returning the data in a JSON format. But Jquery isn't populating the form at all.Here is my Jquery.\[code\]<script>$(document).ready( function() { $("#list-avail-reps").change( function() { var rep_id = $(this).val(); var datastring = "ID="+rep_id; $.ajax({ type: "GET", data: datastring, dataType: "json", url: "sales-reps.asp", success: function(data) { var rep_name=json.rep_name var rep_cell=json.rep_cell var rep_email=json.rep_email var rep_branch=json.rep_branch var branch_id=json.branch_id $("#rep_name").val(rep_name); $("#rep_cell").val(rep_cell); $("#rep_branch").val(rep_name); $("#rep_email").val(rep_email); $("#rep_active").val('1'); $("#rep_login_ID").val(rep_id); $("#branch_ID").val(branch_ID); } });//end ajax command }); //end of listener});//end document function</script> \[/code\]My JSON output is the following:\[code\][{"rep_name":"Name here","rep_cell":"Number here","rep_branch":"More info","rep_email":"email here","branch_id":"5"}]\[/code\]Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.