jqPlot DateAxisRenderer tickInterval issue


New Member
I am using jqPlot to illustrate some time series data. At the same time, I have a drop-down menu which controls tick interval of the x-axis (time axis). The tick interval can be changed dynamically, but the last tick is always out of range. For example, my x axis upper bound is \[code\]Dec 1 1961\[/code\], the starting date is \[code\]Jan 2 1961\[/code\], and the interval is \[code\]3 month\[/code\]. Then the last tick on the axis is \[code\]Jan 2 1962\[/code\], not the actual upper bound. So my question is how to make the tick interval only work within the x axis boundary (like to compare to the upper bound before extrapolation). Thanks!Here is a demo of my plot.JS:\[code\]var x_water = [data are available on JSFIDDLE]var x_date2 = [data are available on JSFIDDLE]var x_date2_len = x_date2.length;var paired = [];for (var i = 0; i <= x_date2_len; i += 1) { paired.push([x_date2, x_water]);}$('#calc1').click(function (range_interval) { var range_interval = $("#display_interval_1").val(); createplot1(range_interval);});function createplot1(range_interval) { $.jqplot.config.enablePlugins = true; $('#chart1').empty(); $.jqplot('chart1', [paired], { seriesDefaults: { showMarker: false, pointLabels: { show: false } }, series: [{ label: 'Water Concentrations' }], axes: { xaxis: { renderer: $.jqplot.DateAxisRenderer, tickRenderer: $.jqplot.CanvasAxisTickRenderer, tickOptions: { formatString: '%#m/%#d/%Y', angle: -30 }, min: x_date2[0], max: x_date2[300], tickInterval: range_interval, label: 'Date', pad: 0 }, yaxis: { label: 'Water Total (