jpg files won't display in netscape or ie


Hi all! I'm new here so be gentle please. I have a website that I decided to change. I have added new pages and new .jpg files. Before logging onto the internet when I look at my "new" site, everything is fine--all the pictures display. When I'm logged onto the internet and go to my site, the pictures will not display--I just get that little broken symbol or "X". The .gif files still display correctly--it's just the .jpg files that are making me scratch my head! Any suggestions of what might be wrong?<br />
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Simone<!--content-->Hi Simone and welcome,<br />
It sounds like the path to the images is incorrect. Post the url to your site, we'll take a look.<!--content-->I set up the <img src=> tag just as before. That's why this is so confusing. Anyway, here is my site: <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --><br />
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Simone<!--content-->Well, I have tried practically everything:<br />
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- different spellings (all uppercase, capitilized first letters, .jpeg as well as .jpg)<br />
- different folders - <url>/image as well as just <url><br />
- replacing the extension with .gif<br />
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Nothing works. So, the only thing that I can think of is that the files have either not been uploaded or they got corrupted. I can't imagine it's a file permissions problem but it might just be worth checking of all else fails. <br />
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My recommendation is to try and upload the files again, ensure the spelling and case matches what's referenced in the <img> tag and try again.<br />
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Let me know how you get on.<!--content-->Thanks, torrent, for all your help. I uploaded my "images" folder once more in case I did forget the first time. What I did find out is that the new "images" folder is not overwriting the old one. Why would it not? This new folder still contains all the old photos that I am not currently using, and includes all the new ones. Maybe I should just deletes all the photos I do not need--maybe the size of the folder is the problem. I don't know--frustrating!! :(<br />
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Simone<!--content-->Originally posted by Simone <br />
Thanks, torrent, for all your help. I uploaded my "images" folder once more in case I did forget the first time. What I did find out is that the new "images" folder is not overwriting the old one. Why would it not? This new folder still contains all the old photos that I am not currently using, and includes all the new ones. Maybe I should just deletes all the photos I do not need--maybe the size of the folder is the problem. I don't know--frustrating!! :(<br />
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Simone <br />
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Go inside the old folder and delete each pic one by one and then finally delete your folder.See if that works.<br />
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If that does not work then make sure that your not crossing your space limit.I guess yours is 20 MB.<!--content-->Hmm..not sure really. I would have thought you could update your folder's contents without having to delete them all. Perhaps it is a space limitation. Here's an experiment to try:<br />
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- Delete all the "images" folder's contents.<br />
- Upload one image to the folder<br />
- Change the image on your local system<br />
- Now upload that image again<br />
- Did it overwrite/update the "images" folder's content with the new image? <br />
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If so, then it almost certainly is a web space problem. If not then it has to be something else and you might need to ask the web space provider for some assistance (unless someone else comes along with another suggestion of something to try).<!--content-->ummm I don't think this will work<br />
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<image src="images/altar.jpg" align=left><!--content-->Thanks everyone for your help and input. I've got everything working fine now on my website. It turns out that I just didn't know how my ftp worked! :dunce: I've been trying to upload a whole folder of images. Instead, I had to upload each image one at a time. So thanks again! I guess I'm outta her for now. :)<br />
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Simone<!--content-->what ftp program do you use? you should be able to upload a whole folder at a time, at least I can using ws_ftp.<br />
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beside that image tag I showed you was the problem, not the ftp'in, unless you were uploading them in ascii format.<!--content-->Originally posted by Simone <br />
Thanks everyone for your help and input. I've got everything working fine now on my website. It turns out that I just didn't know how my ftp worked! :dunce: I've been trying to upload a whole folder of images. Instead, I had to upload each image one at a time. So thanks again! I guess I'm outta her for now. :)<br />
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Simone also, in your ftp, you should have an option to slect the type of format (binary or ascii or auto). binaries are for graphics.., ascii for text files... and choose auto if you want ur ftp to decide.<!--content-->I'm using FTP Commander which I Download <!--more-->ed free off the web. I'm a pretty low budget kind of <br />
person--free Download <!--more-->s, free webhosting, etc. Anyway, FTP Commander is basically just upload, Download <!--more-->, and a few other basic commands, so that probably explains it. There's no option for ascii or binary. And thank you, scoutt, for pointing out the error with the image tag. I would have eventually figured that one out if the other pics had worked. But yes, it does seem that I had to upload each pic one by one.<!--content-->