JOptionPane Multidimensional Array output


New Member
Ok say I have Multidimensional array that I want to display in \[code\]JOptionPane.showMessageDialog\[/code\]. I know that when using \[code\]System.out.println\[/code\], you use a for loop. However the array size is determined by the user input, therefore I have to use a incrementor.For example: \[code\]userinput[k]\[/code\] next to \[code\]usernumber[k]\[/code\] then the next row would be \[code\]userinput[k+1]\[/code\] next to \[code\]usernumber[k+1]\[/code\]The trouble I am having is that by using my loop, it does each set one at a time in separate windows and not all together in a table in one window.\[code\]for (int k = 0; k < userinput.length; k++){ JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, userinput[k]);}for (int k = 0; k < 2; k++){ JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, usernumber[k]);}\[/code\]