John from vBskinworks is back with....

Ahhh now that make sense as I resently went there and I got a 403 Forbidden like I do at vBskinworks, he obviously remebered to backup his banlist...though as he must realise by now it dosen't stop me from ripping the
I guess he thought he could sell vBskinworks at a REALLY high price and buy TransverseStyles for pretty much nothing... and then hope to profit even more... It's only time till TS gets hit.. I like some skins from there... Looks like a bunch of us will need to hit up the ripping :D
i knew this 1 month a go :P the skins at tranverse styles are very nicely made looks like john will ruin it with is big buttons in main page ;) of the skins
KrazyFire said:
i knew this 1 month a go :P the skins at tranverse styles are very nicely made looks like john will ruin it with is big buttons in main page ;) of the skins
:p Well.. he didn't tell anyone and I never knew. I thought he sold vBSkinworks and was off the net... Looks like he just wanted some extra cash.