JobRoller v1.3


New Member

- Paypal urlencode
- Salary field
- Hide salary field option wired up
- Pack expire date fix
- Search uses LatLonBox so that you can search within a larger area rather than a point
- fixed return error after payment
- fixed relisting/moderation bug
- Current url trailing slashes
- Packs formatting
- Job Packs expire calculation was backwards
- Expirey fixes (after moderation)
- Search results pagination
- Wrapped text in contact form template with localization tags
- Fixed spacing issue with tag sidebar widgets
- Fixed naming issue with certain widgets and css classes
- Fixed tab index on creating new user accounts

- Added wp_remote_post check in system info, + fallback in case it fails
- Added terms and conditions page option + checkbox
- Option for disabled password fields on reg form
- Added cron job viewer in system info
- Added new appthemes hooks
- Added separate comment templates for page, blog, job objects
- Added disable WordPress 3.1 admin toolbar option
- Added disable WordPress version meta tag option
- Separated comments from pings/trackbacks
- Removed search-xml.php which wasn't being used
