Jmail AddRecipient not working


New Member
My hosting provided just told me that I now needed to authenticate my online forms after I complained that all of my forms quit working. For some reason AddRecipient will only send emails to my domain account and not to external/outside email accounts (gmail, yahoo, etc....). Am I missing something?works: jmail.AddRecipient "[email protected]"doesn't work: jmail.AddRecipient "[email protected]"\[code\]<%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" %><HTML><BODY><%Set jmail = Server.CreateObject("JMail.Message")jmail.AddRecipient "[email protected]"jmail.From = "[email protected]"jmail.Subject = "TESTING 123"jmail.Body = "You Just Got An Email"jmail.MailServerUserName = "myUserName"jmail.MailServerPassword = "myPassWord"jmail.Send( "" )%>Email sent! </BODY></HTML>\[/code\]