Recently IBM developerWorks released two interesting resources.The Jikes Compiler has just been released as an open source download fromIBM developerWorks. Some of Jikes most noteable qualities.- New mingw compiler support (Gnu C compiler for Windows).- New cross compiled capabilities. You can create windows binaries underLinux.- Strict adherence to the language specification- Extremely fast compile speed- Built-in dependence analysisDownload Jikes from:,t=gr,p=jikesJavaML article-------------------------------------------------------------This articleby Greg J. Badros explains the XML-based representation, called JavaML, whichis a more natural for tools and permits easy specification of numerous software-engineeringanalyses by leveraging the abundance of XML tools and techniques.Read article:,t=gr,p=JavaMLAlso their also of free online classes. Check it out:--------------------------------------------------------------,t=gr,p=edu