Jelsoft caught me ><


New Member
I switched from 3ix hosting to hostgator and jelsoft contacted hostgator and they locked my forums folder from the ftp, What do I do now? I cant go back to x3i hosting because Jelsoft is onto me is there anyway to block their IP or something?
lol I was caught three times.. but when u have offshore hosting they cannot do anything.. do u have your back up files??
Thank you it allows nulled? also my host didnt delete the forums folder from the ftp it just gives a 404 forbidden error if I change to offshore hosting do I have to delete the folder or can I just transfer it there?
To restore your forums on another host u need a sql database.. and all your exiting files in public_html folder.. u can get the entire back thru your control panel through back up wizard.. then you need to use bigdump to dump your database to the new server and etc... I think you know those procedures right?

and yes they allow nulled scriptz and dont care when jelfsoft report them your url.. you can use their hosting..

they are affordable where about do i look for the offshore host, because my biggest worry is to wake up and see that my forum is gone or locked and is my host and they are popular now with all the advertiing they did so i better move to an offshore host.
it is better to start with offshore hosting when you decided to use nulled scripts.. rahter than changing them later on when get reported..