I am working on a JBoss portal where several "page" are define.A page can be viewed on the application by clicking on the corresponding tab.What I would like to do is to define different type of user that will have different access right. If a user does not have the access right to a page, he should not be able to view the tab.In the application I am working on this is define in the "...-object.xml", inside the :\[code\] <portal> => <page> => <security-constraint> => <policy-permission> => <role-name>\[/code\]As I would need to allow the administrator user of the application to define a 'Custom Role', I would need to remove the role names define in 'role-name', and define the view of the tabs in the code using variable.For exemple, I would like to say in Java : \[code\] if(this.role.accessToPage1 == true) showTab(1).\[/code\]Then I would be able to define the user rights in my database rather than in a xml, in the code.Do you know if what I would like to do is possible?Do you have any advices?I can not find anything that could guide me through this over the JBoss documentation...I hope I was clear enough, and please forgive my english mistakes this is not my mother tongue.Thank you