JAXB MOXy Mapping Multiple Object iterations to single XML

I am using JAXB MOXy to map my java objects to XML. Up until now I have only ever needed to convert 1 object at a time and that word fine. So my output XML looks something like this:\[code\]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><NotificationTemplateXML template-id="1"> <template-subject>Test Subject</template-subject> <template-text>Test Text</template-text></NotificationTemplateXML>\[/code\]What I am trying to do now is to have multiple iterations of the object saved into the same XML file so it looks something like this\[code\]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <NotificationTemplateXML template-id="1"> <template-subject>Test Subject</template-subject> <template-text>Test Text</template-text> </NotificationTemplateXML> <NotificationTemplateXML template-id="2"> <template-subject>Test Subject</template-subject> <template-text>Test Text</template-text> </NotificationTemplateXML> <NotificationTemplateXML template-id="3"> <template-subject>Test Subject</template-subject> <template-text>Test Text</template-text> </NotificationTemplateXML>\[/code\]My object mapping looks like this:\[code\]@XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.FIELD)@XmlRootElement(name="NotificationTemplateXML")public class NotificationTemplate { @XmlAttribute(name="template-id") private String templateId; @XmlElement(name="template-subject") private String templateSubject; @XmlElement(name="template-text") private String templateText;\[/code\]Assuming I have a list of Type 'NotificationTemplate' can I simply marshall the list? Will that produce a single xml file with each of the NotificationTemplate objects as a separate 'XML object'?NB. Likewise when I Unmarshall the XML file am I expecting to produce a list of Type 'NotificationTemplate'?