JaxB gMonth validation error


New Member
I have the XMLGregorianCalander for storing a month\[code\]@XmlElement(name = "Month")@XmlSchemaType(name = "gMonth")protected XMLGregorianCalendar month;\[/code\]I get the following error when unmarshalling\[code\]XML validation error on response: cvc-datatype-valid.1.2.1: '--11--' is not a valid value for 'gMonth'.\[/code\]From what i can tell the format expected would be \[code\]'--11'\[/code\], i have found related issues https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/XERCESJ-1342 but i do not know the solution to change the format of a gMonththe gmonth in the xsd looks like:\[code\]<xs:element name="Month" type="xs:gMonth"/>\[/code\]Has this issue been resloved or a workaround exist?