Javascript's write(), and google's interpretation of it...


New Member
I'm thinking about writing a script as an alternative to the RSS feeds on my site.Many of the people who would want to include my site's recent news & forum postings on their own site's, don't have the ability to implement an RSS reader on their site (either their account isn't capable of running the PHP/CGI scripts required to parse the data & display it, or they're simply incapable of creating a script to read the feeds & implementing them on their site).What I was thinking, was have them do something like a...Code: [ Select ] No backlink No PRBecause the output is called on page via the Java document.write(); I dont think think the links will be spidered. Google tends not to parse links pulled from an array or database VIA JAvascript for example has a set of links pulled via Java in the center of its page that appear hardcoded to the user but are in reality pulled via a similar technique and are not spiderableA good way to check this is run it though a spider simulator such as ... ator.shtml and see if the links are picked up. However my initial response is that they wont be. Another simple way to test is to pull the source of the site and paste into DW or another editor, because the local file wont be able to be sourced if the links arent pulled by the script they arent seen. CheersWhat about providing a simple php include code that sources a file that dynamically updates with your new fresh content?Some thing like: <?php include(""); ?>Or is the problem that their hosts dont support php?Yeah, it's a host-restriction... Many of the reptile sites out there are just run by individuals at home who just wanna put a few pics up to show off or whatever, and are hosted on free servers like Angelfire, Tripod & *plum*, so they're pretty limited on what they can do.Otherwise, yeah, it'd be no problem. If they could run PHP, I've got a reader here, all they'd have to do is..Code: [ Select ]<script language="JavaScript" src=""></script>This one? Done think it'll get read within a script tag sorryOkies, thanks, I wasn't sure whether it would or not. Ahh well, only other option would be an iframe I guess.Is there any updates on this?Any signs that G can reed the java rss yet?Actually google is now starting to spidering js files and follow some backlinkswhat I would recomend isCode: [ Select ]