Javascript xml nightmare


New Member
am learning javascript and not at a great rate, am trying to use the code to create a google map v3 api with searchable locations which load from an xml file.Ran into a problem, many infact, but here is this one: I can not access the data in the xml file, i have used an example and tried to adjust it via reading and trying different code but to no success.It is not accessing the data using my xml file, this is my xml format with the js code below:\[code\] <markers style="MEDIUM"> <marker> <title>McDonalds</title> <lat>55.5452</lat> <lng>34.3755</lng> <markerId>0</markerId> <countryCode>GB</countryCode> <address>Somewhere in London</address> <description>Get a free toy with every happy meal!</description> </marker> </markers>\[/code\]This is the JS from my html file.\[code\]downloadUrl("london.xml", function(doc) { var xmlDoc = xmlParse(doc); var markers = xmlDoc.documentElement.getElementsByTagName("marker"); for (var i = 0; i < markers.length; i++) { // obtain the attribues of each marker var lat = parseFloat(markers.getElementsByTagName("lat")); var lng = parseFloat(markers.getElementsByTagName("lng")); var point = new google.maps.LatLng(lat,lng); var description = markers.getElementsByTagName("description"); var title = markers.getElementsByTagName("title"); alert(title); // create the marker var marker = createMarker(point,title,description); } alert(i);\[/code\]I imagine it is something very simple such as linking the nodes, but I can not figure it out and thought some help or advice would save me some sanity, thanks guys.