JavaScript - Worth learning?


I was just wondering if JavaScript is worth learning when I could just get scripts from sites like A1JavaScripts... or would it be more useful to learn something like DHTML? Thanks.<br />
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(Yes, I know I already asked this, but nobody answered.)<!--content-->When I started out, I would Download <!--more--> some fancy JS file, and when it didn't work....I would hit the computer with a brick. <br />
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I would say yes. Yes. YES. If your going to use it, learn how it works.<br />
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Why? Well I could use DreamWeaver to write my HTML pages (actually I used to....then I saw them in Netscape!)<br />
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JS may be a scripting language, but it is a step up the web development ladder. The more you get into this, the more your going to need to customize, and tweak your JS and HTML files(and later, a whole lot more). <br />
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I can't tell you how many people have no knowledge of JS whatsoever, who then Download <!--more--> some cool JS/ DHTML file from somewhere and then try.........<br />
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a: to make it work on their page.<br />
b: to customize it.<br />
c: to make it do something different than it was designed for.<br />
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Then we try to answer questions like:<br />
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a: why wont this script work on my page?<br />
b: Why did it break when I added my own stuff to it?<br />
c: Why wont the DHTML menu system ask for username/ password and blink an yellow alert box five times?<br />
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Developers share knowledge, and that is what these JavaScript resources are about. They are great places to learn, get new ideas, and show great programming skills to each other.<!--content-->If you really want to learn DHTML you need to learn JS, so either way the answer is yes. <br />
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Regards,<br />
Kevin<!--content-->Yes, Javascript must be learnt in many cases if you want interactivity on your site and if you know C, all the better.<br />
Recommended:<br />
Javascript Bible Gold + CD<br />
ISBN : 0764547186<br />
Publishing Date : May 2001<!--content-->alright, besides whkoh, does anybody have any suggestions on JavaScript books?<br />
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or, do you know any good web sites that teach JavaScript? <br />
thx.<!--content-->I used <br />
Sam;s teach yourself JavaScript in 24 hours. It is organized for beginners, and is set up in 24 one hour lessons. However......after your done with the book, its of little use. I bought (and returned) the javascript bible. Didn;t like it.<br />
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Here are a ton of links to JS resources, and tutorials.<br />
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<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --><!--content-->Thanks a lot!<!--content-->sure!<!--content-->I haven't got the Javascript Bible (yet) as I am awaiting the latest issue (due ....).<br />
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However, it is extremely highly rated (see the reviews for it on Amazon), but is considered a reference rather than a tutorial.<br />
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I have already got Dynamic HTML (same author), ISBN 1-56592-494-0 which covers DHTML, HTML, DOM, CSS and Javascript and also a reference. In the few weeks I have had it I have found it invalauble (again, good write-ups at Amazon)<br />
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Alternatively, Download <!--more--> the Client-side Javascipt Guide & References (available as pdf's or zipped) from <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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Good luck, Batch<!--content-->JavaScript Forum (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... ookie=true</a><!-- m -->) that's about the best javascript forum online , and the board is hit even more then the SPAM box is here! The only problem is, if your question is tough, its not likely going to be answered quickly or at all.<br />
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it may help though<br />