I am trying to call a javascript function called getthedate. It's being called by vbscript code as follows:
dim todaydate
todaydate = getthedate(0)
This yields me a "type mismatch". If I put the above code in javascript tags, I don't get the error, but I need the returned value in the following code, but it never gets there due to being inside the javascript tags:
<!--webbot bot="Validation" s-display-name="Choose" b-disallow-first-item="TRUE" --><Select Name="thedates">
<option name="-choose-" value=http://www.webdeveloper.com/forum/archive/index.php/"-choose-" <% if thedates = "-choose-" then response.write "selected" end if%>>-choose-</option>
<option name="Pickup" value="<%=todaydate%>" <% if thedates = " & todaydate &" then response.write "selected" end if %>><%= todaydate %></option>
<option name="Delivery" value="<%=tomdate%>" <% if thedates = " & tomdate &" then response.write "selected" end if %>><%= tomdate %></option>
How can I get the returned value into the above code????
dim todaydate
todaydate = getthedate(0)
This yields me a "type mismatch". If I put the above code in javascript tags, I don't get the error, but I need the returned value in the following code, but it never gets there due to being inside the javascript tags:
<!--webbot bot="Validation" s-display-name="Choose" b-disallow-first-item="TRUE" --><Select Name="thedates">
<option name="-choose-" value=http://www.webdeveloper.com/forum/archive/index.php/"-choose-" <% if thedates = "-choose-" then response.write "selected" end if%>>-choose-</option>
<option name="Pickup" value="<%=todaydate%>" <% if thedates = " & todaydate &" then response.write "selected" end if %>><%= todaydate %></option>
<option name="Delivery" value="<%=tomdate%>" <% if thedates = " & tomdate &" then response.write "selected" end if %>><%= tomdate %></option>
How can I get the returned value into the above code????