Javascript variable used in asp classic script block


New Member
someone please help. i wanted to use "requestID" javascript variable on my script block and use it to my sql query. but when i do it,its not working.\[code\]requestID= aReqId[iSelReq];<% Dim sqlQuery Dim sqlQuery2 Dim sRecords Dim sRecords2 Dim iVersion1 Dim iFieldSeqId2 Dim vValue Dim iNumofReqTypes Dim iLoop for iLoop=0 to iNumofReqTypes sqlQuery = "SELECT iVersion, iFieldSeqId FROM tblUsrAcntFieldsDtlMst, tblReqTypeMst WHERE tblReqTypeMst.ireqTypeID = tblUsrAcntFieldsDtlMst.iSysid and iSysID = '509' and iversion = (select max(iVersion) from tblUsrAcntFieldsDtlMst where iSysID = '509') and cReqDisable = 'N' order by iFieldSeqId,ixCoordinate, iYCoordinate" sRecords = getRecords(sqlQuery,bResult) if bResult then iVersion1 = sRecords(0,iLoop) iFieldSeqId2 = sRecords(1,iLoop) end if sqlQuery2 = "select vValues from tblNewUsrAcntReqDtlTxn where iReqID = " & requestID &" and iSysID = " & SysID &" and iVersion = " & iVersion & " and iFieldSeqID = " & iFieldSeqId & "" bResult = false sRecords2 = getRecords(sqlQuery2,bResult) if bResult then vValue =,0) end if next %> \[/code\]