This is my code below, when you clich on an Account then you go to a drop down menu and you are given
the five options below.
I need a valadation which brings up an alert if the user goes straight to the drop down menu and
clicks on an options before selecting an account below??????
I was thinking of something like:
if (storBranch=="")
alert("please select on an account");
and putting it into the setOptions function below????
function storValues(branch,radix,ord,curr){
//alert ("Am in Store Vals " + storBranch + " " + storRadix + " " + storOrd + " " + storCurr)
storBranch = branch
storRadix = radix
storOrd = ord
storCurr = curr
function setOption(dtlSelect) {
if (dtlSelect==1){
ShowWindowNew('FinDetail.asp?stbranch=' + storBranch + '&stradix=' + storRadix + '&stord=' + storOrd + '&stcurr=' + storCurr + '','700px','350px','no')}
if (dtlSelect==2){
ShowWindowNew('../trans/default.asp?stOrigin=aclist&stbranch='+ storBranch + '&stradix=' + storRadix + '&stord=' + storOrd + '&stcurr=' + storCurr + '','665px','' + screen.height-80 + 'px','no')}
if (dtlSelect==3){
parent.bottom.location='../orion/AccountOrion.asp?branch=' + storBranch + '&radix=' + storRadix + '&ordinal=' + storOrd + '¤cy=' + storCurr + '&acbranch=' + storBranch + '&acradix=' + storRadix + '&acordinal=' + storOrd + '&scrsize=1024&page=1&tabtype=3&viewzero='}
if (dtlSelect==4){
ShowWindowNew('RTD.asp?stbranch=' + storBranch + '&stradix=' + storRadix + '&stord=' + storOrd + '&stcurr=' + storCurr + '&strank=2','600px','400px','no')}
if (dtlSelect==5){
ShowWindowNew('../statement/default.asp?stbranch=' + storBranch + '&stradix=' + storRadix + '&stord=' + storOrd + '&stcurr=' + storCurr +'','800px','600px','no')}
the five options below.
I need a valadation which brings up an alert if the user goes straight to the drop down menu and
clicks on an options before selecting an account below??????
I was thinking of something like:
if (storBranch=="")
alert("please select on an account");
and putting it into the setOptions function below????
function storValues(branch,radix,ord,curr){
//alert ("Am in Store Vals " + storBranch + " " + storRadix + " " + storOrd + " " + storCurr)
storBranch = branch
storRadix = radix
storOrd = ord
storCurr = curr
function setOption(dtlSelect) {
if (dtlSelect==1){
ShowWindowNew('FinDetail.asp?stbranch=' + storBranch + '&stradix=' + storRadix + '&stord=' + storOrd + '&stcurr=' + storCurr + '','700px','350px','no')}
if (dtlSelect==2){
ShowWindowNew('../trans/default.asp?stOrigin=aclist&stbranch='+ storBranch + '&stradix=' + storRadix + '&stord=' + storOrd + '&stcurr=' + storCurr + '','665px','' + screen.height-80 + 'px','no')}
if (dtlSelect==3){
parent.bottom.location='../orion/AccountOrion.asp?branch=' + storBranch + '&radix=' + storRadix + '&ordinal=' + storOrd + '¤cy=' + storCurr + '&acbranch=' + storBranch + '&acradix=' + storRadix + '&acordinal=' + storOrd + '&scrsize=1024&page=1&tabtype=3&viewzero='}
if (dtlSelect==4){
ShowWindowNew('RTD.asp?stbranch=' + storBranch + '&stradix=' + storRadix + '&stord=' + storOrd + '&stcurr=' + storCurr + '&strank=2','600px','400px','no')}
if (dtlSelect==5){
ShowWindowNew('../statement/default.asp?stbranch=' + storBranch + '&stradix=' + storRadix + '&stord=' + storOrd + '&stcurr=' + storCurr +'','800px','600px','no')}