Javascript to adjust css and layout


New Member
In my HTML I have the following code:\[code\]<script>$("document").ready(function () { var model = XMLModel(); var view = Slider(model); view.registerSubview("action", Action); // 'publish' public API window.start = model.start; window.setItemProperties = model.setItemProperties; window.setSpotProperties = model.setProperties; =; window.getItemIndex = view.getItemIndex; // load data start("slider.xml"); next(); setInterval( function () { next(); }, 5000 );});</script>\[/code\]Basically I can change in the \[code\]registerSubview\[/code\]manually and it in turn will adjust where the data inside the xml will be placed. This is obviously not really productive since I am having to manually jump into the html each time.Is there a possiblity where this can be automatically done? i.e I can place Action, Product and Lifestyle in there and when these are produced in the xml it will automatically use that layout and stylesheet?