Hi everyone... first time here... hope I can get some help with my issue I am having.
I have a .js file that contains the following code:
function openlink() {
perfectwidth = screen.availwidth - 5;
window.open('http://www.websiteaddress.com/frameset.html?' + this.href, this.host.replace(/\./gi, '').replace(/:/gi, ''), 'width='+perfectwidth+',height='+screen.availheight+',scrollbars=no,resizable=yes,status=no');
return false;
function setlinkfunction() {
for (temp=0; temp<document.links.length; temp++) {
document.links[temp].onclick = openlink;
window.onload = setlinkfunction;
I use the code above to open the following links on my page to another window that contains a small frame. The links that open up into the new window look like this:
<a target=_new onMouseOver="window.status='Click here for more information.';return true" onMouseOut="window.status='';return true"
href=http://www.websiteaddress.com><i>Website Title</i></a></b><br><font size=-1>Website Description</font>
Works great.... however, there are some links on the page that I have as regular links, i.e. <a HREF=http://www.webdeveloper.com/forum/archive/index.php/"http://www.websiteaddress.com">Link Description</a> that I DO NOT want to open up to the frame.
Is there something I need to add to the .js file, or is there something I can simply add to the links I do not want to open up into the new window and frame?
Thank you for your help.
I have a .js file that contains the following code:
function openlink() {
perfectwidth = screen.availwidth - 5;
window.open('http://www.websiteaddress.com/frameset.html?' + this.href, this.host.replace(/\./gi, '').replace(/:/gi, ''), 'width='+perfectwidth+',height='+screen.availheight+',scrollbars=no,resizable=yes,status=no');
return false;
function setlinkfunction() {
for (temp=0; temp<document.links.length; temp++) {
document.links[temp].onclick = openlink;
window.onload = setlinkfunction;
I use the code above to open the following links on my page to another window that contains a small frame. The links that open up into the new window look like this:
<a target=_new onMouseOver="window.status='Click here for more information.';return true" onMouseOut="window.status='';return true"
href=http://www.websiteaddress.com><i>Website Title</i></a></b><br><font size=-1>Website Description</font>
Works great.... however, there are some links on the page that I have as regular links, i.e. <a HREF=http://www.webdeveloper.com/forum/archive/index.php/"http://www.websiteaddress.com">Link Description</a> that I DO NOT want to open up to the frame.
Is there something I need to add to the .js file, or is there something I can simply add to the links I do not want to open up into the new window and frame?
Thank you for your help.