Javascript plugin for editing (and saving) an XML file?


New Member
Is it possible to use a JavaScript plugin to open and save an XML file from the same server and directory it's running in? I do not have any experience with JavaScript, and am rather ignorant as to its capabilities.I am attempting to provide users with the ability to edit an XML-based configuration file via their browser. Browser-based editors such as CodeMirror and ACE seem ideal for this, but can they read in XML from a file and then save it back?Server-side code is not going to be possible in this case. This simple plugin, if it is completed, will be uploaded to a SharePoint 2003 server and included in a web page (with a restrictive CMS) via an IFrame.I have seen a JQuery plugin that a coworker added to a page via this method (hosted on SharePoint, linked with n iFrame), so JQuery may be a possibility as well.If schema validation were possible in a web-based editor as well, that would also be useful.Thank you in advance for your advice.Edit: Anyone who would have access to this page would also have access to the SharePoint server that it (and the XML file which they want to edit) is hosted on.