Javascript noob needs help


Staff member
been staring at this for hours and cant figure it out. It will probably take a veteran about 5 seconds to see the problem.

i need to use onBlur and alert to show what user entered in the field.

Here is the script. I greatly appreciate any help

<TITLE> Excercise 4 </TITLE>

<script language=javascript1.2>

function party_bar() {
status=("Republican, Democrat, Independant or Undeclared ");}

function party_message() {
var answer;
answer = getparty.value
return answer;}

<BODY onLoad= "status='This is an online political survey'">

What is your Name?
<input name="name" size=30 maxlength=40><BR>

What is your political party?
<input type="text" value= name=party size="30" onFocus="party_bar()" onBlur="party_message()"><BR>
