I'm trying to create a form where a user enters a username, and then clicks a button. Then it opens a window with the parameters in the url like so below.\[code\]<script type="javascript">function open(id) { window.open("http://linkhere.com/~Robby/lcpVote.php?u="+ document.getElementById(id).innerHTML +"&s=" + id + "&a=addVote");}</script><input type="text" placeholder="MC Username" id="name" style="width:100%">\[/code\]And when they click on the button below,\[code\]<button class="btn btn-primary" style="width:100%" onclick="open('1')" id="1" href="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14088608/#">MCServers.org</button>\[/code\]It opens the following urlhttp://LINKHERE.COM/~Robby/lcpVote.php?u=USERNAMEFROMFORM&s=IDFROMBUTTON&a=addVoteBut when i click it using my code it just returns a white page? Any ideas?...