I've created a table of dynamic controls which each row is a couple of (DropDownList and TextBox) then I've associated an event handler on each DropDownList selected change event so I can change on its TextBox as the code below shows :\[code\]DropDownList TypeDDL = new DropDownList(); TypeDDL.ID = "TypeDDL_" + rowN.ToString(); TypeDDL.Width = 120; TypeDDL.Height = 20; InitializeTypeDDL(TypeDDL); TypeDDL.AutoPostBack = true; TypeDDL.Attributes.Add("onchange", "javascript:handleFieldsDDLEvent(this);"); TextBox FieldsDDL = new TextBox(); FieldsDDL.ID = "FieldsDDL_" + rowN.ToString(); FieldsDDL.Width = 120; FieldsDDL.Height = 20; FieldsDDL.Attributes.Add("style", "float:right");\[/code\]but the javascript code of the event handler fires an exceptions telling :\[code\]function handleFieldsDDLEvent(e) { var elementId = (e.target || e.srcElement).id; var IdArray = elementId.Split('_'); var ControlId = "Control_"+IdArray[1].toString(); if (IdArray[1] != "") { var FieldsDDL = document.getElementById("<%="+ControlId +".ClientID%>"); // error CS1026: ) expected ValueTxtBx.style.display = "none"; }}\[/code\]