Could one of you graceful master debug this for me please.
cuz am begining to see double form the screen.
I am having problem that I can't get the text to appear when click on a pict.
neither will the pict appear now.
it used to do fine til I modified it and now it is a mess.
<html xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" xmlns
ffice" xmlns="">
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ns3up = (browserName == "Netscape" && browserVer >= 3);
ie4up = (browserName.indexOf("Microsoft") >= 0 && browserVer >= 4);
var arMsg;
arMsg = new Array(20);
arMsg[ 0] = 'Rod, Geri, Melissa & Wes In Utal Skiing.';
arMsg[ 1] = 'Rod & Geri --> Wes's Parents';
arMsg[ 2] = 'Wes & Melissa In Utal.';
arMsg[ 3] = 'Wes & Melissa On The Tree In Front Of Wes's House K I S S I N G (there's suppose to be a dog there, but I ate him).';
arMsg[ 4] = 'Wes & Melissa New Year Pict.';
arMsg[ 5] = 'Wes & Melissa On Wes's Birthday.';
arMsg[ 6] = 'Tyler, Geri, Wes, Melissa, Wes Other Brother, and Tyler's GF.';
arMsg[ 7] = 'These People Has An Aptitute For Drinking.';
arMsg[ 8] = 'Wes, Tyler, Melissa.';
arMsg[ 9] = 'Wes's Other Brother, Wes(in the back), Geri, Tyler & Rod (on the floor)';
arMsg[10] = 'This is picture 4';
arMsg[11] = 'This is picture 4';
arMsg[12] = 'This is picture 4';
arMsg[13] = 'This is picture 4';
arMsg[14] = 'This is picture 4';
arMsg[15] = 'This is picture 4';
arMsg[16] = 'This is picture 4';
arMsg[17] = 'This is picture 4';
arMsg[18] = 'This is picture 4';
arMsg[19] = 'This is picture 4';
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imgOn = ("" + imgName);
document.mainpic.src = imgOn;
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status bar
//set message:
msg = "Welcome to Wesley Walz's Picture Page on SDK's Site";
timeID = 10;
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wmsg = new Array(33);
blnk = " ";
for (i=1; i<32; i++)
b = blnk.substring(0,i);
for (j=0; j<msg.length; j++) wmsg=wmsg+msg.charAt(j)+b;
function wiper()
if (stcnt > -1) str = wmsg[stcnt]; else str = wmsg[0];
if (stcnt-- < -40) stcnt=31;
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timeID = setTimeout("wiper()",100);
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<td width="131" height="49">
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<td width="131" height="49">
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<td width="131" height="49">
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<td width="131" height="49">
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<td width="143" height="49">
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<!-- The fullsize pict -->
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<td width="131" height="49">
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<td width="131" height="49">
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<td width="131" height="49">
<a href="javascript:doPic('../My Documents/Wes Clear/WGW%20&%20MJ%20NYr.JPG'); javascript:ShowText(4);"><img src="WGW%20&%20MJ%20NYr_small.JPG" width=123 height=122 border=0></a></td>
<td width="131" height="49">
<a href="javascript:doPic('../My Documents/Wes Clear/WGW&MJ.JPG'); javascript:ShowText(5);"><img src="WGW&MJ_small.JPG" width=123 height=122 border=0></a></td>
<td width="131" height="49">
<a href="javascript:doPic('../My Documents/Wes Clear/WGWBDGrpKit02.JPG'); javascript:ShowText(6);"><img src="WGWBDGrpKit02_small.JPG" width=123 height=122 border=0></a></td>
<td width="131" height="49">
<a href="javascript:doPic('../My Documents/Wes Clear/WGWBDGrpDrk.JPG'); javascript:ShowText(7);"><img src="WGWBDGrpDrk_small.JPG" width=123 height=122 border=0></a></td>
<td width="131" height="49">
<a href="javascript:doPic('../My Documents/Wes Clear/WGWBDGrpKit01.JPG'); javascript:ShowText(8);"><img src="WGWBDGrpKit01_small.JPG" width=123 height=122 border=0></a></td>
<td width="131" height="49">
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<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </div>
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<script language="javascript">
function ShowText(PictCapts)
test.innerText = arMsg[PictCapts];
cuz am begining to see double form the screen.
I am having problem that I can't get the text to appear when click on a pict.
neither will the pict appear now.
it used to do fine til I modified it and now it is a mess.
<html xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" xmlns

<meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en-us">
<meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 5.0">
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ns3up = (browserName == "Netscape" && browserVer >= 3);
ie4up = (browserName.indexOf("Microsoft") >= 0 && browserVer >= 4);
var arMsg;
arMsg = new Array(20);
arMsg[ 0] = 'Rod, Geri, Melissa & Wes In Utal Skiing.';
arMsg[ 1] = 'Rod & Geri --> Wes's Parents';
arMsg[ 2] = 'Wes & Melissa In Utal.';
arMsg[ 3] = 'Wes & Melissa On The Tree In Front Of Wes's House K I S S I N G (there's suppose to be a dog there, but I ate him).';
arMsg[ 4] = 'Wes & Melissa New Year Pict.';
arMsg[ 5] = 'Wes & Melissa On Wes's Birthday.';
arMsg[ 6] = 'Tyler, Geri, Wes, Melissa, Wes Other Brother, and Tyler's GF.';
arMsg[ 7] = 'These People Has An Aptitute For Drinking.';
arMsg[ 8] = 'Wes, Tyler, Melissa.';
arMsg[ 9] = 'Wes's Other Brother, Wes(in the back), Geri, Tyler & Rod (on the floor)';
arMsg[10] = 'This is picture 4';
arMsg[11] = 'This is picture 4';
arMsg[12] = 'This is picture 4';
arMsg[13] = 'This is picture 4';
arMsg[14] = 'This is picture 4';
arMsg[15] = 'This is picture 4';
arMsg[16] = 'This is picture 4';
arMsg[17] = 'This is picture 4';
arMsg[18] = 'This is picture 4';
arMsg[19] = 'This is picture 4';
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<!--Written by SDK-->
<!--Take my codes wid out asking will result in your death-->
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status bar
//set message:
msg = "Welcome to Wesley Walz's Picture Page on SDK's Site";
timeID = 10;
stcnt = 16;
wmsg = new Array(33);
blnk = " ";
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b = blnk.substring(0,i);
for (j=0; j<msg.length; j++) wmsg=wmsg+msg.charAt(j)+b;
function wiper()
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if (stcnt-- < -40) stcnt=31;
status = str;
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<td width="131" height="49">
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<td width="131" height="49">
<a href="javascript:doPic('../My Documents/Wes Clear/WGW%20&%20MJ%2001.JPG'); javascript:ShowText(17);"><img src="WGW%20&%20MJ%2001_small.JPG" width=123 height=122 border=0></a></td>
<td width="131" height="49">
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<td width="131" height="49">
<a href="javascript:doPic('../My Documents/Wes Clear/WGW%20&%20MJ%20NYr.JPG'); javascript:ShowText(15);"><img src="WGW%20&%20MJ%20NYr_small.JPG" width=123 height=122 border=0></a></td>
<td width="131" height="49">
<a href="javascript:doPic('../My Documents/Wes Clear/WGW&MJ.JPG'); javascript:ShowText(14);"><img src="WGW&MJ_small.JPG" width=123 height=122 border=0></a></td>
<td width="131" height="49">
<a href="javascript:doPic('../My Documents/Wes Clear/WGWBDGrpKit02.JPG'); javascript:ShowText(13);"><img src="WGWBDGrpKit02_small.JPG" width=123 height=122 border=0></a></td>
<td width="131" height="49">
<a href="javascript:doPic('../My Documents/Wes Clear/WGWBDGrpDrk.JPG'); javascript:ShowText(12);"><img src="WGWBDGrpDrk_small.JPG" width=123 height=122 border=0></a></td>
<td width="131" height="49">
<a href="javascript:doPic('../My Documents/Wes Clear/WGWBDGrpKit01.JPG'); javascript:ShowText(11);"><img src="WGWBDGrpKit01_small.JPG" width=123 height=122 border=0></a></td>
<td width="143" height="49">
<a href="javascript:doPic('../My Documents/Wes Clear/WGWJstFam.JPG'); javascript:ShowText(10);"><img src="WGWJstFam_small.JPG" width=123 height=122 border=0></a></td>
<!-- The fullsize pict -->
<td colspan=10 rowspan=1 align=center width="1268" height="478">
<img name="mainpic" src="p1.jpg" width=1268 height=509 border=0></td>
<!-- Bottom Row of Picts-->
<td width="131" height="49">
<a href="javascript:doPic('../My Documents/Wes Clear/WGWFam.JPG'); javascript:ShowText(0);"><img src="WGWFam_small.JPG" width=123 height=122 border=0></a></td>
<td width="131" height="49">
<a href="javascript:doPic('../My Documents/Wes Clear/WGWParents.JPG'); javascript:ShowText(1);"><img src="WGWParents_small.JPG" width=123 height=122 border=0></a></td>
<td width="131" height="49">
<a href="javascript:doPic('../My Documents/Wes Clear/WGW%20&%20MJ%2001.JPG'); javascript:ShowText(2);"><img src="WGW%20&%20MJ%2001_small.JPG" width=123 height=122 border=0></a></td>
<td width="131" height="49">
<a href="javascript:doPic('../My Documents/Wes Clear/WGW & MJ 02.JPG'); javascript:ShowText(3);"><img src="WGW & MJ 02_small.JPG" width=123 height=122 border=0></a></td>
<td width="131" height="49">
<a href="javascript:doPic('../My Documents/Wes Clear/WGW%20&%20MJ%20NYr.JPG'); javascript:ShowText(4);"><img src="WGW%20&%20MJ%20NYr_small.JPG" width=123 height=122 border=0></a></td>
<td width="131" height="49">
<a href="javascript:doPic('../My Documents/Wes Clear/WGW&MJ.JPG'); javascript:ShowText(5);"><img src="WGW&MJ_small.JPG" width=123 height=122 border=0></a></td>
<td width="131" height="49">
<a href="javascript:doPic('../My Documents/Wes Clear/WGWBDGrpKit02.JPG'); javascript:ShowText(6);"><img src="WGWBDGrpKit02_small.JPG" width=123 height=122 border=0></a></td>
<td width="131" height="49">
<a href="javascript:doPic('../My Documents/Wes Clear/WGWBDGrpDrk.JPG'); javascript:ShowText(7);"><img src="WGWBDGrpDrk_small.JPG" width=123 height=122 border=0></a></td>
<td width="131" height="49">
<a href="javascript:doPic('../My Documents/Wes Clear/WGWBDGrpKit01.JPG'); javascript:ShowText(8);"><img src="WGWBDGrpKit01_small.JPG" width=123 height=122 border=0></a></td>
<td width="131" height="49">
<a href="javascript:doPic('../My Documents/Wes Clear/WGWJstFam.JPG'); javascript:ShowText(9);"><img src="WGWJstFam_small.JPG" width=123 height=122 border=0></a></td>
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<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </div>
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<script language="javascript">
function ShowText(PictCapts)
test.innerText = arMsg[PictCapts];