My site is running well on IE6, IE7, IE8, IE9, Chrome, Safari, Firefox and Opera. But it is not working at all in IE10. If I click anywhere in the site (any button, any link, etc) it returns the following error: \[code\]SCRIPT5022: Sys.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Value must be an integer.Parameter name: xActual value was 5.999999523162842. \[/code\]JS things, like tabs, doesnt work due to this problem. I tracked down the problem and it is in MicrosoftAjax.js , specifically in the following method.\[code\]Sys.UI.Point = function Sys$UI$Point(x, y) { /// <param name="x" type="Number" integer="true"></param> /// <param name="y" type="Number" integer="true"></param> /// <field name="x" type="Number" integer="true"></field> /// <field name="y" type="Number" integer="true"></field> var e = Function._validateParams(arguments, [ {name: "x", type: Number, integer: true}, {name: "y", type: Number, integer: true} ]); if (e) throw e; this.x = x; this.y = y;\[/code\]It works on all other IE versions since 6, which is quite a fate. I know that HTML is only compatible with browsers, leaving Internet Explorer outside, but my client really wants the site to work in IE10.Can anyone help me?