I made a contact form, and now I want to validate it before sending the message. The validation works if all fields are empty, i.e. the form doesn't submit anything, which is fine.1st scenario: But when all fields have the correct information except for the email and phone fields only, which use regular expressions, and the form is submitted, it still goes to \[code\]$.ajax()\[/code\]. And I pretty sure that in my code, if the information doesn't match the RegEx then \[code\]return false\[/code\], so it shouldn't even carry on to the \[code\]$.ajax()\[/code\]. But it's still does... Weird!2nd scenario: In addition , when it goes to \[code\]$.ajax()\[/code\], it fails, returning an error.3rd scenario: Or when all fields are filled with the correct information from the 1st time the page loads, and the form is submitted, there's an error that says \[code\]{"error": "Please use POST request"}\[/code\] or I get \[code\]Error 405\[/code\]. But I'm using \[code\]POST\[/code\] in the \[code\]$.ajax()\[/code\]... What's wrong with the 'POST'?Please view my code here (I have included and commented the PHP email code, at the top of the HTML, just in case you wanna test it in some server ): http://jsfiddle.net/qvSaW/3/I know there are plugins around but I'm not allowed to use any plugins...Many thanks