java.xml.Validator: xsi:schlemaLocation is ignored when namespaces are present


New Member
I am currently trying to solve a (hopefully) simple problem, but I guess I am missing the obvious.Self contained example code can be found over at gist.github.comI am trying to validate an XML document that contains namespaces and an implicit schema location declaration with the help of Javas Validator Framework.The XML file looks like so (shortened for readability):\[code\]<atomic:root xmlns:atomic="qname123" xmlns:xsi="schemainstance" xsi:schemaLocation="atomic http://">\[/code\]oXygen validates this XML against this implicit schema, yet I do not get it to work in my Code.It works fine when validating documents without namespace, an example set of documents can be found at this gist.So obviously I am missing something, the documentation states that creating a newSchema() without parameters resorts the the location hints provided with the document.Any help will be greatly appreciated, if you need more information let me know.Thanks.