java to iframe


New Member
i want to use the thumbnail navigator but i want the picture to open in an iframe on the page. i cant work out where to add the target tag. help! :( :confused:

this is the head script

<!-- Original: Daniel Smith (<!-- e --><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><!-- e -->) -->
<!-- Web Site: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> -->

<!-- This script and many more are available free online at -->
<!-- The JavaScript Source!! <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> -->

<!-- Begin
prev1 = new Image (30,20);
prev1.src = "prev1.JPG";
prev2 = new Image (30,20);
prev2.src = "prev1.JPG";

next1 = new Image (30,20);
next1.src = "next1.JPG";
next2 = new Image (30,20);
next2.src = "next1.JPG";

go1 = new Image (50,30);
go1.src = "go1.JPG";
go2 = new Image (50,30);
go2.src = "go1.JPG";

maxPic = 8;

p1 = new Image (150,100);
p1.src = "";
link1 = "";

p2 = new Image (150,100);
p2.src = "";
link2 = "";

p3 = new Image (150,100);
p3.src = "";
link3 = "";

p4 = new Image (150,100);
p4.src = "";
link4 = "";

p5 = new Image (150,100);
p5.src = "";
link5 = "";

p6 = new Image (150,100);
p6.src = "";
link6 = "";

p7 = new Image (150,100);
p7.src = "";
link7 = "";

p8 = new Image (150,100);
p8.src = "";
link8 = "";

count = 1;
function next() {
if (count > maxPic) {
count = 1;
eval("document.p.src=p" + count + ".src");
function back() {
if (count == 0) {
count = maxPic;
eval("document.p.src=p" + count + ".src");
function link() {
location.href=eval("link" + count);
// End -->

and this is the body script

<table bgcolor="red" border=1>
<td align=center width=200>
<font color="black" face="Arial, Helvetica" size="+1">Navigator</font>
<img name=p src="" border=0 width=150 height=100>
<table border=0>
<td><a href="javascript:back()" onmouseover="prev.src=prev2.src" onmouseout="prev.src=prev1.src"><img src="prev1.JPG" width="30" height="20" border="0" name="prev"></td>
<td><a href="javascript:link()" onmouseover="go.src=go2.src" onmouseout="go.src=go1.src"><img src="go1.JPG" width="50" height="30" border="0" name="go"></td>
<td><a href="javascript:next()" onmouseover="next.src=next2.src" onmouseout="next.src=next1.src"><img src="next1.JPG" width="30" height="20" border="0" name="next"></td>
<font color="black" size="2" face="Arial">
Where shall we whisk you to?</font>