I have to do this task if anyone can halp me this is task:
Task 2
Alert a random message depending on the time of day, followed by writing each word of the message on individual lines in the browser window.
?Create 3 arrays (morning, afternoon and evening) Insert 4 multi-word sentences in each array
?Use the Math.random() method to generate a number
?Depending on the time of day, greet the user with the appropriate random message from the appropriate array
?Time of the day to be 00:00 ?11:59=morning. 12:00 ?18:00=afternoon, and the remainder=evening
?Pass the random message (string) as a value to function that incorporates a for loop . The loop will split the string at every space character and write each word on it抯 own line within the browser window
?Make use of the date, string, Math and array objects
?Make use of a function and value passing
("Good Morning, what a great day for work","Just think, another day another dollar","Be cheerfull on this lovely moring,atleast pretend","Good Morning, now get to work","Remember to have your morning coffee"
("Good Afternoon, have u had lunch","Don't forget our daily afternoon sessions at 3:00pm","It's a nice afternoon isn't it","Shake away those afternoon blues")
("Good evening to you","In it for the overtime are we? Haha","Yor wife or husband must feel lonely","Reminder evening news at 10m")