java script


I'm by no means a web developer so this for you guys is probably a very basic question. I'm trying to create some web pages. Not knowing how to write java script, I copied some scripts from some free java script web sites. Long story short: when I paste them into my HTML document and then try to preview it to see that they work,OI only see the script itself not the effect it's supposed to create. Obviously, I'm missing something here but I don't know what it is.<br />
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Thanks in advance<!--content-->well, you have to have it surrounded by the correct tags to begin with. <br />
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like:<br />
<br />
<br />
<HTML><br />
<HEAD><br />
<TITLE>your page title here</TITLE><br />
<HEAD><br />
<BODY><br />
your body goes here. like maybe the scripts you are testing, that is if they dont go between the head aand body tags instead.<br />
</BODY><br />
</HTML><br />
<br />
copy the above tags into notepad, then place what you r testing between the tags called<BODY> and then save it like so:<br />
<br />
mytest.html<br />
<br />
then just go to the saved file and double click it and itll open in your default browser.<br />
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Note: you have to save it with a .html ext in order for the browser to read it. maybe this will help you test, but youll just need to read a lot. it takes time to get used to things. im still learning a ton every day and some people here can help you more than me.<br />
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war<!--content-->OI only see the script itself not the effect it's supposed to create. Obviously, I'm missing something here but I don't know what it is. <br />
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1. Exactly where are u placing script. in the HEAD or BODY.<br />
2. Are there variliable on the script. <br />
3. Some Code about the problem swould help a little more<!--content-->Well, I did what you said. I've actually created web pages before but I don't knowmuch about HTML. I have a web site set up at <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> that I created using composer and HotPotatoes. It was for a foreign language class I was teaching at the time. I've attached an HTML file with the metatag script and one of the java applets/scripts I'm trying to use. So maybe someone can take a look and see if there are some obvious problems. I usually try finding something similar on a web page, check the source and compare it to mine but it's been a while. If it makes any difference, I'm using a Mac OS 10.2.3 and I was using composer to create the web page. I know composer is sort of limited in what it can do so maybe that's why I need the help.<br />
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Thanks:(<!--content-->is you pooting the script 'starters' in the body tag or somewhere else inbetween ur body tags.<br />
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also if ur using multiple scripts in the body tgag for onLoad.... putt ; between each thingy. i know that dint make sense :(<!--content-->I Think this is a applet. I could be wrong. <br />
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Try this <applet basecode="dir/name" code="file_name.class" width=100 height=10>Sorry this is an applets</applet><br />
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Mac OS- JDK 1.1 is not compatiable (sorry) -But I could be wrong.<!--content-->