Java IDEs, Java Version, lowest common denominator ?


Staff member
hello,I am currently updating my Java knowledge base.I have not done much with java since JDK v1.1.{3,4} .while researching latest tools (etc) i have foundnumerous changes and thus concerns ?Ques:1. With Applets, what is the lowest common jdk *version*denominator for (say) IE4 and Netscape 4.x , which willgive me the most reliable runtime (no missing classexceptions) ?and Consistent interface behaviors ?2. Are there any IDE's that stand out from the others ?in terms of intuitive useability, features, etc... ?I am very familiar with VJ++ v1.1 and i played with"Kava" once ?I find these very basic and straight forward, the VJ++ClassView andresource wizard are the nicest features.there seem to be many IDE's available now ...3. Any recommendations on sites to find useful JavaPackages ?Packages like {3D, chart ploting, widget, simulation }for JDK 1.1.x ?4. As for Java 2, any pitfalls to be aware of ?Is there a best place to expend learning energy ?a wasted place to expend learning energy ?any useful help or web link resources will be greatlyappreciated.regards,point