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I am working on a java project and I am a newbie.My database structure is going large.First, I am confused between JSON and XML.Then, I have chosen JSON to store data in the database.I am trying to compile an example given on official website.But I am unable to do so.Please check the code and guide me.\[code\]import static argo.jdom.JsonNodeFactories.*;public class argojson{ public static void main(String[] args) {JsonRootNode json = object( field("name", string("Black Lace")), field("sales", number("110921")), field("totalRoyalties", number("10223.82")), field("singles", array( string("Superman"), string("Agadoo") )) );}}\[/code\]Error\[code\]JsonRootNode error: cannot find symbol\[/code\]official website\[code\]\[/code\]