I have a project which automates creation of PDF files with a "Save" button created and embedded in each PDF form, the purpose is to use this button and save data after the file is created so users can save the contents directly from the file by submitting its contents to a web service.This button is created using ITextSharp like this:\[code\]field.Action = PdfAction.CreateSubmitForm("http://localhost/service.ashx#FDF", null, PdfAction.SUBMIT_XFDF | PdfAction.SUBMIT_INCLUDE_NO_VALUE_FIELDS)\[/code\]Once the "Save" button is placed and the file is created, its embedded in an ASPX page within an iframe, users can save the contents using the button with no problem, what I'm trying to do now is to trigger this button from outside the the iframe, for example by clicking on an "outside" button which would save the file and then bring another file and so on.So my question, is there anyway I can trigger this embedded button to save the form from another place? using either Javascript or a server side function? I'm open to any suggestion even if it requires a major rewrite of how to create the button or how to embed the PDF in the web form.