I have an XML document like this:\[code\] <author>someone</author> <category>Severe Disruption - 5 hours</category> <category>Roadworks</category> <pubDate>Sun, 23 Sep 2012 05:07:39 BST</pubDate> \[/code\]And my existing code is this:\[code\] _xml = XElement.Parse(e.Result); highwaysResults.Items.Clear(); foreach (XElement value in _xml.Elements("channel").Elements("item")) { highwaysFeedItem _item = new highwaysFeedItem(); _item.Title = value.Element("title").Value; _item.Description = Regex.Replace(value.Element("description").Value, @"<(.|\n)*?>", String.Empty); _item.PubDate = value.Element("pubDate").Value; _item.Category = value.Element("category").Value; _item.Category2 = value.Element("category").Value; highwaysResults.Items.Add(_item);\[/code\]The issue is, that my code only reads the first 'category' value, but the XML I am using now has two 'category' values.I only want to read the second 'category' value. It would be bonus to read both but not essential.